There is this house. This is a house where bad happens. Sometimes on a regular basis, sometimes on the weekends, but mostly like all the time. Violence is so commonplace in fact, that in this house, when someone asks you to take out the garbage they really mean, "Please take the dead body in the trunk to the pig farm." And when they ask you, "Please take the dead body in the trunk to the pig farm." They really mean, "Would you mind sorting the garbage for recycling, it's monday."
We found this out after John Nephew met Rosa Rosa. It was really after she met him. Rosa Rosa was the youngest and only daughter of a three brother family. She always looked sleepy, and since her mother wouldn't let her wax her face, she wore a light blonde mustache above her upper lip.

Her brothers didn't like anybody dating Rosa Rosa, but the worst thing you could do was
not date Rosa Rosa. Especially if she wrote you poems, or baked you cakes.
Her three brothers were the toughest guys in the world, they had mustaches since the sixth grade. There names were William, Carlos, and Williams. They watched John Nephew from the window with guns in their hands, as Rosa Rosa followed him around below. If he went to the park, she went to the park, and if they were both at the park, William, Carlos, and Williams would all stand at their windows and watch them with their rifles and their pajamas. They could see into the park, they could see into alleys, into stores, through walls, and they could even see into your soul! Sometimes they watched John Nephew from inches away. He could smell the air from their lungs they were so close. If he was on the corner, they were on the corner, and if they were on the corner Rosa Rosa was following them so that she could get on the corner too. You get the point.
Rosa Rosa threw pebbles at his window until four sometimes five in the morning, and when she was done throwing pebbles William, Carlos and Williams did it until Rosa Rosa woke up and came back to start again. John Nephew never slept. And when he would try to hide, the brothers would find him with their X-ray vision.
The day John Nephew asked me to help build him a lead suit, I could see the suffering in his eyes. He had a patch of grey hair I named Rosa Rosa, and his teeth were yellow from all the coffee he started drinking. Oddly, the suit worked out just fine. William, Carlos and Williams never found him again. Rosa Rosa left him alone, and he could finally go to sleep. Unfortunately, the first thing he did was go to sleep in the park. Subsequently there was an immediate downpour of rain. The suit was too heavy for him and Rosa Rosa was not around to help him up. He drowned.

Rumor has it that William, Carlos and Williams stand out at their windows waiting for John Nephew to come home.
Their house was at the corner of Ella and Friendship ave, you should see it for yourself my Comrades!